How to choose the thickness of your tiles?

tile thickness

Find out what tile thickness is and what thickness works best for you.

Do you know what tile thickness is? In this post we are going to go deeper into this detail, a very important aspect when choosing which tile to use.

In general terms, tile thickness is translated as the thickness of the tiles. The standard measurement for a tile is between 9.5 and 10 mm (0.95 and 1 centimetre), although we can find tiles with a minimum thickness of 3 mm and others with thicknesses ranging from 20 mm to 30 mm. The thicker a tile is, the longer it will last and the greater the load it can bear. However, this is not the only aspect to take into account when choosing which thickness to go for.

If we are talking about a thickness between 3 and 5 mm, we are talking about extra-thin tiles. These products are mainly used for wall tiles, although they can also be laid on some floors. Among some of their advantages are their low cost and easy transport and installation. They are also characterised by their flexibility and lightness. However, they are technologically very advanced products and this may imply a higher cost than traditional thicknesses.

Medium or standard thickness tiles are in the 9 to 10 mm range. With an affordable price and less chance of cracking than extra-thin tiles, they are an option with significant advantages, as they support more weight than extra-thin tiles and have a moderate cost and weight. They are the tiles that we will use in most interior design and decoration projects.

Thicker tiles, 20 and even 30 mm, are mainly used for outdoor or high traffic surfaces, such as shopping centres, beaches, swimming pools, etc. They are also a good option to combat adverse weather conditions, although, as a handicap, they can be a great challenge for the installer, as they require special materials and a lot of experience when installing them.

Before making our purchase decision, we should take into account the place where we are going to lay our tiles and determine the use we are going to give them in order to choose whether we will need tiles with a greater or lesser thickness. It is also very important to consult with the person or company that is going to carry out the installation, who will advise us on the most suitable option for each place and the advantages and disadvantages of its installation.

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